Monday, October 8, 2012

"Did I do that"?!

photo courtesy of

Syngenta a leading herbicide company for crops across the nation, was under a slight amount of hot water beginning in 2008. As a rebuttal to the negative press from that year.Syngenta published on its website proof of their innocence, by a group of researchers hired to clear the companies name of any ill-gotten press. Even though an abundant amount of scientist, and researchers have found destroyed reproductive organs. After Amphibians had been exposed to the substance. It is completely understandable that Syngenta wants to protect it's lively hood. After all their main priority is protecting crops not wildlife.


African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis)

Photo courtesy of Tyrone B. Hayes

Xenopus Laevis also known as the African Clawed Frog, has been a commonly tested laboratory frog. Recently this frog has been tested for the effects of Atrazine. Which is a common ingredient in Pesticides, and Herbicides. Science Daily has been covering the press of this negative effect on amphibians since 2008. Science Daily's regurgitation of University of California Berkeley's professor Tyrone B. Hayes research publications. Hayes study show that seventy-five percent of frogs effected by Atrazine were named chemically castrated. These frogs affected by the herbicide Atrazine are reproductively destroyed. Males were transformed into females, causing the population to decrease rapidly.
